Tested quality from Germany
We manufacture our truck mounted concrete pumps exclusively in Germany. Comprehensive materials testing, test series and field tests guarantee a long service life, even under extreme stress.

 A worthwhile investment
Its robust construction and the low service requirements ensure economic and problem-free concrete installation for many years. A high resale price provides additional customer benefits.

Innovativ XXT support
The innovativ XXT support can be used to extend the front support legs up to the front of the vehicle for narrow supports. This increases the working range by up to 70% when concreting.

High pump performance and smoothness
The funnel geometry and the wide suction openings guarantee high pump performance.


© KRANIMEX, spol. s r.o., Lazaretská 4/A 812 01 Bratislava Tel.: 00421 2 45529435, 00421 2 45529436 Email: kranimex@kranimex.sk
Zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I. Oddiel. Sro. Vložka č. 11529/B IČO: 35 696 273, IČ DPH: SK2020310501