Company KRANIMEX as an exclusive representative of the Liebherr brand in the concrete technology section, it provides a comprehensive offer of a German manufacturer in the Slovak Republic.

sale and commissioning of new complete concrete equipment
elaboration of a situation study of the proposed new or reconstructed plant
sale of individual machinery for concrete mixing plants
assembly of all products and equipment
supply of spare parts for all equipment
complete warranty and post-warranty service for all devices
consulting and advisory services in the field of concrete technology


More information about the current offer of Liebherr concrete technology HERE.

© KRANIMEX, spol. s r.o., Lazaretská 4/A 812 01 Bratislava Tel.: 00421 2 45529435, 00421 2 45529436 Email:
Zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I. Oddiel. Sro. Vložka č. 11529/B IČO: 35 696 273, IČ DPH: SK2020310501